The TLV320AIC3120IRHBT is a low-power highly integrated high-performance Audio Codec which features a mono audio DAC and mono audio ADC. The TLV320AIC3120 features a high-performance audio codec with 24-bit mono playback and mono record functionality. The device integrates several analog features, such as a microphone interface, headphone drivers and speaker drivers. The TLV320AIC3120 has a fully programmable miniDSP for digital audio processing.
- Mono audio DAC with 95dB SNR
- Mono audio ADC with 90dB SNR
- Mono headphone/lineout outputs
- Microphone with bias, Preamp PGA and AGC
- Pin control or register control for digital playback volume control settings
- Programmable PLL for flexible clock generation
- I²C control with register auto-increment
- Full power-down control
- Green product and no Sb/Br
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- 单声道
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- 1
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- 1
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- -40°C
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- 85°C
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- 192kSPS
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- 32引脚
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- 3放大器
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- 2放大器
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- 32bit
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- 95dB
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- I2C
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- 2.7V 至 3.6V
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- MSL 2 - 1年