The A623308A-70SF is a 8K x 8-bit CMOS SRAM IC with low operating current 65536-bit static random access memory organized as 8192 words by 8-bit and operates on a voltage from 4.5 to 5.5V. Inputs and 3-state outputs are TTL compatible and allow for direct interfacing with common system bus structures. Minimum standby power is drawn by this device when CE is at a high level, independent of the other input levels. Data retention is guaranteed at a power supply voltage as low as 2V.
- Full static operation, no clock or refreshing required
- Common I/O using three-state output
工业, 通信与网络
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- 64Kbit
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- 8K x 8位
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- 4.5V 至 5.5V
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- 28引脚
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- 70ns
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- 0°C
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- 70°C
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