The AS7C256A-12TIN is a 5V 32k x 8-bit CMOS Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) with common I/O. It is organized as 32768 words x 8-bit. It offers 10/12/15/20ns address access time, 5/6/7/8ns output enable access time high speed. It is designed for memory applications requiring fast data access at low voltage, including Pentium™, PowerPC™ and portable computing. Alliances advanced circuit design and process techniques permit 5V operation without sacrificing performance or operating margins. The device enters standby mode when CE is high. CMOS standby mode consumes <=11mW. Normal operation offers 75% power reduction after initial access, resulting in significant power savings during CPU idle, suspend and stretch mode. The data on the input pins I/O0-I/O7 is written on the rising edge of WE or CE. To avoid bus contention, external devices should drive I/O pins only after outputs have been disabled with output enable or write enable.
- Pin compatible with AS7C256
- Very low power consumption - ACTIVE - 412.5mW maximum at 10ns
- Very low power consumption - STANDBY - 11mW maximum CMOS I/O
- TTL-compatible, 3-state I/O
- Latch-up current >=200mA
计算机和计算机周边, 工业
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- 256Kbit
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- 32K x 8位
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- 4.5V 至 5.5V
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- 28引脚
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- 12ns
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- -40°C
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- 85°C
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