The MPL115A2T1 is a Simple Barometer with digital output for cost-effective applications. It employs a MEMS pressure sensor with a conditioning integrated circuit to provide accurate pressure data. An integrated analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) provides digitized temperature and pressure sensor outputs via either a serial peripheral interface (SPI) or I²C port. Calibration data is housed in on-board ROM, is used by the host microcontroller to apply compensation algorithms to the raw sensor data and may be accessed at any time. Calibration data is typically accessed when the host micro first enables the sensor.
- Factory calibrated
- 50 to 115kPa Absolute pressure
- 1kPa accuracy
- 2.375 to 5.5V supply
- Integrated ADC
- SPI or I²C interface
- Monotonic pressure and temperature data outputs
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- 绝对
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- 0.11mV/kPa
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- 50kPa
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- 115kPa
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- 2.375V
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- 5.5V
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- 8引脚
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- -40°C
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- 105°C
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- MSL 1 -无限制