- 256Kbit (32 K × 8) Bytewide F-RAM memory
- High-endurance 100 trillion (1014) read/writes
- 151-year data retention
- Advanced high-reliability ferroelectric process
- Industry-standard 32 K × 8 SRAM and EEPROM pinout
- 70-ns access time, 130-ns cycle time
- Superior to battery-backed SRAM modules
- Low power consumption(active current 15mA (max), standby current 25µA (typ))
- Voltage operation: VDD = 4.5V to 5.5V
- Industrial temperature range from -40⁰C to +85⁰C
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- 256Kbit
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- 32K x 8位
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- 并行
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- -
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- 4.5V
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- 5.5V
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- 28引脚
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- -40°C
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- 85°C
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- -
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- MSL 3 - 168小时