The ISPPAC-POWR605-01SN24I is a general-purpose Power-supply Monitor, reset generator and watchdog timer, incorporating both in-system programmable logic and analog functions implemented in non-volatile E2CMOS® technology. The ProcessorPM-POWR605 device provides six independent analog input channels to monitor power supply voltages. Two general-purpose digital inputs are also provided for miscellaneous control functions. The ProcessorPM-POWR605 provides up to five open drain digital outputs that can be used for controlling DC-DC converters, low-drop-out regulators (LDOs) and optocouplers, as well as for supervisory and general-purpose logic interface functions.
- Precision programmable threshold monitors, threshold accuracy 0.7%
- Simultaneously monitors up to six power supplies
- Programmable analog trip points (1% step size, 192 steps)
- Programmable glitch filter
- Power-off detection (75mV)
- Embedded programmable timers
- Four independent timers
- 32µs to 2 second intervals for timing sequences
- Embedded PLD for logical control
- Rugged 16-macrocell CPLD architecture
- 81 product terms/28 inputs
- Implements state machines and combinatorial functions
- Two dedicated digital inputs
- Five programmable digital I/O pins
- In-system programmable through JTAG
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- 3.96V
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- 24引脚
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- -40°C
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- 85°C
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- MSL 1 -无限制