The UCC35701D is a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Controller intended for isolated switching power supplies using primary side control. They can be used for both off-line applications and DC/DC converter designs such as in a distributed power system architecture or as a telecom power source. It features low startup current, allowing for efficient off-line starting, yet have sufficient output drive to switch power MOSFETs in excess of 500kHz. Voltage feed forward compensation is operational over a 5:1 input range and provides fast and accurate response to input voltage changes over a 4:1 range. An accurate volt-second clamp and maximum duty cycle limit are also featured. Fault protection is provided by pulse by pulse current limiting as well as the ability to latch off after a programmable number of repetitive faults has occurred.
- Integrated oscillator/voltage feed forward compensation
- Accurate duty cycle limit
- Accurate volt-second clamp
- Optocoupler interface
- Fault counting shutdown
- Fault latch off or automatic shutdown
- Soft stop optimized for synchronous rectification
- 1A Peak gate drive output
- 130µA Start-up current
- 750µA Operating current
- Green product and no Sb/Br
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- 11V
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- 1V
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- 100mA
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- 10V
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- 13V
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- 14引脚
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- 700kHz
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- 0°C
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- 70°C
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- MSL 1 -无限制