The ISL6524CBZ is a PWM and Triple Linear Power System Controller provides the power control and protection for four output voltages in high-performance microprocessor and computer applications. The IC integrates one PWM controller and three linear controllers, as well as the monitoring and protection functions. The PWM controller regulates the microprocessor core voltage with a synchronous-rectified buck converter. One linear controller supplies the computer system’s AGTL+ 1.2V bus power. The other two linear controllers regulate power for the 1.5V AGP bus and the 1.8V power for the chip set core voltage and/or cache memory circuits. It includes an Intel VRM8.5 compatible, TTL 5-input digital-to-analog converter (DAC) that adjusts the microprocessor core-targeted PWM output voltage from 1.05 to 1.825V in 25mV steps. The precision reference and voltage-mode control provide ±1% static regulation. It monitors all the output voltages.
- Drives N-channel MOSFETs
- Linear regulator drives compatible with both MOSFET and bipolar series pass transistors
- Simple single-loop control design - voltage-mode PWM control
- Fast PWM converter transient response
- Excellent output voltage regulation
- Power-good output voltage monitors
- Separate delayed VTT Power Good
- Overcurrent fault monitor
计算机和计算机周边, 电源管理
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- 5V
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- 1.825V
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- 10.8V
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- 13.2V
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- 28引脚
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- 200kHz
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- 0°C
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- 70°C
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- MSL 3 - 168小时