The LT4250LIS8#PBF is a 8-pin negative 48V Hot Swap Controller allows a board to be safely inserted and removed from a live backplane. Inrush current is limited to a programmable value by controlling the gate voltage of an external N-channel pass transistor. The pass transistor is turned off if the input voltage is less than the programmable under voltage threshold or greater than the overvoltage threshold. A programmable current limit protects the system against shorts. After a 500µs timeout the current limit activates the electronic circuit breaker. The PWRGD signal can be used to directly enable a power module. The LT4250L is designed for modules with a low enable input.
- Circuit breaker immunity to voltage steps and current spikes
- Programmable inrush and short-circuit current limits
- Programmable overvoltage protection
- Programmable undervoltage lockout
- Power good control output
- Bell-core compatible on/off threshold
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- -48V分布式电源系统,局端交换,负电源控制
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- -48V
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- -18V
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- -80V
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- 8引脚
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- -40°C
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- 85°C
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- MSL 1 -无限制