The LTC4252-2IMS#PBF is a negative voltage Hot Swap Controller allows a board to be safely inserted and removed from a live backplane. Output current is controlled by three stages of current limiting: a timed circuit breaker, active current limiting and a fast feedforward path that limits peak current under worst-case catastrophic fault conditions. Adjustable undervoltage and overvoltage detectors disconnect the load whenever the input supply exceeds the desired operating range. The LTC4252’s supply input is shunt regulated, allowing safe operation with very high supply voltages. A multifunction timer delays initial startup and controls the circuit breaker’s response time. The circuit breaker’s response time is accelerated by sensing excessive MOSFET drain voltage, keeping the MOSFET within its safe operating area (SOA). An adjustable soft-start circuit controls MOSFET inrush current at start-up.
- Floating topology permits very high voltage operation
- Current limit with circuit breaker timer
- Fast response time limits peak fault current
- Programmable soft-start current limit
- Programmable timer with drain voltage accelerated response
- Adjustable undervoltage/overvoltage protection
工业, 电源管理
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- -48V分布式电源系统,局端交换,负电源控制
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- -48V
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- 10引脚
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- -40°C
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- 85°C
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- MSL 1 -无限制