The UCC27322DGN is a single high speed low-side MOSFET Driver with enable function. It delivers 9A of peak drive current in an industry standard pin-out. This driver can drive the largest of MOSFETs for systems requiring extreme Miller current due to high dV/dt transitions. This eliminates additional external circuits and can replace multiple components to reduce space and design complexity. Two standard logic options are offered, non-inverting. Using a design that inherently minimizes shoot-through current, the outputs of these can provide high gate drive current where it is most needed at the Miller plateau region during the MOSFET switching transition. Unique hybrid output stage paralleling bipolar and MOSFET transistors (TrueDrive) allows efficient current delivery at low supply voltages. With this drive architecture, UCC3732x can be used in industry standard 6A, 9A and many 12A driver applications. Latch-up and ESD protection circuitries are also included.
- Industry-standard pin-out
- Efficient constant current sourcing using a unique bipolar and CMOS output stage
- TTL/CMOS compatible inputs independent of supply voltage
- 20ns Typical rise and fall times with 10nF load
- Green product and no Sb/Br
电源管理, 信号处理, 电机驱动与控制
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- 1放大器
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- 低压侧
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- 8引脚
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- 非反向
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- 9A
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- 9A
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- 4V
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- 15V
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- -40°C
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- 105°C
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- 25ns
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- 35ns
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- MSL 1 -无限制