The UCC27201D is a high-frequency N-channel MOSFET Driver includes a 120V bootstrap diode and high-side and low-side driver with independent inputs for maximum control flexibility. This allows for N-channel MOSFET control in half-bridge, full-bridge, two-switch forward and active clamp forward converters. The low-side and the high-side gate driver is independently controlled and matched to 1ns between the turn-ON and turnoff of each other. An on-chip bootstrap diode eliminates the external discrete diodes. Under-voltage lockout is provided for both the high-side and the low-side drivers forcing the outputs low if the drive voltage is below the specified threshold.
- Drives two N-channel MOSFETs in high-side and low-side configuration
- Negative voltage handling on HS (-5V)
- On-chip 0.65V VF, 0.6R RD bootstrap diode
- Greater than 1MHz of operation
- Under-voltage lockout for high-side and low-side driver
- 120V Maximum boot voltage
- 20V Maximum VDD voltage
- 20ns Propagation delay time
- 3A Sink and source output current
- 1ns Delay matching
- Green product and no Sb/Br
电源管理, 通信与网络, 信号处理, 音频
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- 2放大器
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- 高压侧和低压侧
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- 8引脚
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- 非反向
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- 3A
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- 3A
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- 8V
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- 17V
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- -40°C
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- 140°C
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- 20ns
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- 20ns
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- MSL 1 -无限制