The MAX17491GTA+T is a single phase synchronous MOSFET driver in 8 pin TQFN package. This is a single phase synchronous non inverting MOSFET driver. The MAX17491 is intended to work with controller ICs like the MAX8736, MAX8786 or MAX17030 in multiphase notebook CPU core regulators. The regulator can either step down directly from the battery voltage to create the core voltage or step down from the main system supply. The single-stage conversion method allows the highest possible efficiency, while the 2-stage conversion at higher switching frequency provides the minimum possible physical size. The low-side driver is optimized to drive 3nF capacitive loads with 4ns/8ns typical fall/rise times and the high side driver with 8ns/10ns typical fall/rise times. Adaptive dead-time control prevents shoot-through currents and maximizes converter efficiency. The MAX17491 features improved zero crossing and UVLO performance over the MAX8791/MAX8791B.
- Supply voltage range is 4.2V to 5.5V
- Operating temperature range from -40°C to 105°C
- Low side on-resistance is 0.5ohm
- High side on-resistance is 0.7ohm
- Minimum dead time is 10ns
- Integrated boost diode
- Selectable pulse skipping mode
电源管理, 便携式器材
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- 2放大器
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- 半桥
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- 8引脚
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- 非反向
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- 2A
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- 2.7A
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- 4.2V
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- 5.5V
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- -40°C
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- 105°C
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