The UCC27517ADBVT is a single-channel high-speed low-side Gate Driver with 5V negative input voltage handling ability. It is capable of effectively driving MOSFET and IGBT power switches. Using a design that inherently minimizes shoot-through current, the UCC27517A is capable of sourcing and sinking high peak-current pulses into capacitive loads offering rail-to-rail drive capability and extremely small propagation delay typically 13ns. The device is capable of handling -5V at input. It provides 4A source and 4A sink (symmetrical drive) peak-drive current capability at VDD=12V. It is designed to operate over a wide VDD range of 4.5 to 18V and wide temperature range of -40 to 140°C. Internal under-voltage lockout (UVLO) circuitry on VDD pin holds output low outside VDD operating range.
- Gate-driver device offering superior replacement of NPN and PNP discrete solutions
- Ability to handle negative voltages (-5V) at inputs
- Outputs held low during VDD-UVLO (ensures glitch-free operation at power up and power-down)
- TTL and CMOS compatible input-logic threshold (independent of supply voltage)
- Hysteretic-logic thresholds for high-noise immunity
- Output held low when input pins are floating
- Input pin absolute maximum voltage levels not restricted by VDD pin bias supply voltage
- 9ns and 7ns Typical fast rise and fall time
- Green product and no Sb/Br
电源管理, 电机驱动与控制, 替代能源
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- 1放大器
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- 低压侧
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- 5引脚
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- SOT-23
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- 反相, 非反相
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- 4A
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- 4A
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- 4.5V
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- 18V
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- -40°C
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- 140°C
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- 13ns
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- 13ns
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- MSL 1 -无限制