The MIC5020YM is a current-sensing low-side MOSFET Driver designed to operate at frequencies greater than 100kHz and is an ideal choice for high-speed applications using IGBTs. The MIC5020 can also operate as a circuit breaker with or without automatic retry. Its maximum supply voltage lends itself to control applications using up to 50V. The MIC5020 can control MOSFETs that switch voltages greater than 50V. A rising or falling edge on the input results in a current source or sink pulse on the gate output. This output current pulse can turn on or off a 2000pF MOSFET in approximately 175ns. The MIC5020 then supplies a limited current, if necessary, to maintain the output state. An overcurrent comparator with a trip voltage of 50mV makes this ideal for use with a current sensing MOSFET. An external low value resistor may be used instead of a sensing MOSFET for more precise overcurrent control. An open collector output provides a fault indication when the sense inputs are tripped.
- TTL compatible input with internal pull-down resistor
- Overcurrent limit
- Fault output indication
- Gate to source protection
- Compatible with current-sensing MOSFETs
传感与仪器, 车用, 系统监控
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- 1放大器
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- 低压侧
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- 8引脚
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- 非反向
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- 11V
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- 50V
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- -40°C
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- 85°C
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- 400ns
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- 900ns
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