The LM361M/NOPB is a very high speed differential input complementary TTL output Voltage Differential Comparator with improved characteristics over the SE529/NE529 for which it is a pin-for-pin replacement. The device has been optimized for greater speed performance and lower input offset voltage. Typically delay varies only 3ns for over-drive variations of 5 to 500mV. It may be operated from op amp supplies (±15V). Complementary outputs having maximum skew are provided. Applications involve high speed analogue to digital converters and zero-crossing detectors in disk file systems.
- Tight delay matching on both outputs
- Low speed variation with overdrive variation
- Low input offset voltage
- Versatile supply voltage range
- Green product and no Sb/Br
自动化与过程控制, 传感与仪器
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- 高速
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- 1个比较器
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- 20ns
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- 4.75V 至 5.25V, 5V 至 15V, -6V 至 -15V
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- 14引脚
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- CMOS, MOS, 集电极开路 / 漏极, TTL
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- 0°C
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- 70°C
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