The MAX9203EKA+T is a low cost, 7ns, low power voltage comparator in 8 pin SOT-23 package. This high speed, low power, single comparator feature TTL logic outputs with active internal pull-ups. Fast propagation delay (7ns typical at 5mV overdrive) makes this device ideal for fast A/D converters and sampling circuits, line receivers, V/F converters and many other data-discrimination, signal restoration applications. The comparator can be powered from separate analogue and digital power supplies or from a single combined supply voltage. The analogue input common mode range includes the negative rail allowing ground sensing when powered from a single supply. It consumes only 9mW per comparator when powered from a +5V supply. It features output latches with TTL compatible inputs. The comparator output states are held when the latch inputs are driven low.
- Supply voltage range is 5V to 10V, ±4.75V to ±5.25V
- Operating temperature range from -40°C to 85°C
- Separate analogue and digital supplies
- Input offset voltage is 1mV
- Input bias current is 1.25µA and input offset current is 50nA
- Power supply rejection ratio is 50µV/V and common mode rejection ratio is 50µV/V
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- 高速
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- 1个比较器
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- 7ns
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- 5V至10V, ± 4.75V至± 5.25V
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- SOT-23
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- 8引脚
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- 推挽
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- -40°C
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- 85°C
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- MSL 1 -无限制