The TPS3700DSET is a high-voltage Window Comparator operates over a 1.8 to 18V range. The device has two high-accuracy comparators with an internal 400mV reference and two open-drain outputs rated to 18V for over and under-voltage detection. The TPS3700 can be used as a window comparator or as two independent voltage monitors, the monitored voltage can be set with the use of external resistors. OUTA is driven low when the voltage at INA+ drops below and goes high when the voltage returns above the respective threshold. OUTB is driven low when the voltage at INB- rises above VITP and goes high when the voltage drops below the respective threshold. The comparator in the TPS3700 includes built-in hysteresis for filtering to reject brief glitches, thereby ensuring stable output operation without false triggering.
- 400mV Adjustable threshold
- 1% Over-temperature and 0.25% typical high threshold accuracy
- 5.5µA Low quiescent current
- Open-drain outputs for over-voltage and under-voltage detection
- Green product and no Sb/Br
医用, 自动化与过程控制, 传感与仪器, 车用, 计算机和计算机周边, 通信与网络, 便携式器材, 消费电子产品, 计量, 替代能源
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- 电压
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- 2个比较器
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- 29µs
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- 1.8V 至 18V
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- 6引脚
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- 漏极开路
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- -40°C
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- 125°C
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- MSL 1 -无限制