The LM3710XQMM-308/NOPB is a microprocessor Supervisory Circuit with power-fail input, low-line output, manual reset and watchdog timer. The microprocessor supervisory circuit provides the maximum flexibility for monitoring power supplies and battery controlled functions in systems without backup batteries. The reset is asserted during power-up, power-down and brownout conditions. /RESET is ensured down to VCC of 1V. A 1.225V threshold detector for power fail warning or to monitor a power supply other than VCC. This early power failure warning indicator goes low when the supply voltage drops to a value which is 2% higher than the reset threshold voltage. The WDI (watchdog input) monitors one of the Micropower’s output lines for activity. If no output transition occurs during the watchdog timeout period, reset is activated.
- No external components required
- Precision supply voltage monitor
- Factory programmable reset and watchdog timeout delays
- Separate power-fail comparator
- Reset assertion down to 1V VCC
- ±0.5% Reset threshold accuracy at room temperature
- ±2% Reset threshold accuracy over-temperature extremes
- 28µA VCC supply current
- Green product and no Sb/Br
计算机和计算机周边, 传感与仪器, 车用, 计量
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- 3.08V
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- 1监控器/监视器
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- 1V
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- 5.5V
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- 手动, 有功-低
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- 10引脚
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- 200ms
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- -40°C
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- 85°C
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- MSL 1 -无限制