The THS7374IPW is a 4-channel SDTV (component and composite) Video Amplifier with 9.5MHz filters and 6dB gain. It incorporates a sixth-order Butterworth filter (able to be bypassed) which is useful as a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) reconstruction filter or an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) anti-aliasing filter. The 9.5MHz filter is a perfect choice for SDTV video that includes composite (CVBS) and s-video. As part of the THS7374 flexibility, the input can be configured for either AC or DC-coupled inputs. The 300mV output level shift allows for a full sync dynamic range at the output with 0V input. The AC-coupled modes include a transparent sync-tip clamp option for CVBS, Y and G’B’R’ signals with sync. AC-coupled biasing for C’/P’B/P’R channels can easily be achieved by adding an external resistor. The THS7374 is the perfect choice for all video buffer applications. Its rail-to-rail output stage with 6dB gain allows for both AC and DC line driving.
- Versatile input biasing
- Rail-to-rail output
- Built-in 6dB gain (2V/V)
- Output swings within 100mV from the rails to allow AC or DC output coupling
- Supports driving 2 lines per channel
- Low differential gain/phase of 0.15%/0.3°
- Low 9.6mA at 3.3V total quiescent current
- 0.1µA Disabled supply current function
- 150MHz (-3dB) Filter bypass mode
- Green product and no Sb/Br
成像, 视频和目视, 信号处理
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- 4放大器
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- 9.5MHz
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- 130V/µs
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- 2.85V 至 5.5V
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- 14引脚
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- 90mA
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- 单端
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- -40°C
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- 85°C
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- MSL 2 - 1年