The INA213BIDCKT is a bi-directional zero-drift voltage-output Current-shunt Monitor that can sense drops across shunts at common-mode voltages from -0.3 to 26V, independent of the supply voltage. Fixed gain of 50V/V. The low offset of the zero-drift architecture enables current sensing with maximum drops across the shunt as low as 10mV full-scale. This device operates from a single 2.7 to 26V power supply.
- High accuracy
- 100µA Maximum quiescent current
- 5mA Input current into any terminal
- Green product and no Sb/Br
计算机和计算机周边, 消费电子产品, 通信与网络, 电源管理, 维护与修理
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- 1个放大器
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- 28µA
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- SC-70
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- 6引脚
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- -40°C
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- 125°C
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- 80kHz
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- 2.7V
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- 26V
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- 5µV
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- 120dB
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- MSL 2 - 1年