The INA138 and INA168 (INA1x8) are high-side, unipolar, current shunt monitors. Wideinput common-mode voltage range, low quiescent current, and tiny SOT-23 packaging enable use in avariety of applications. Input common-mode and power-supply voltages are independent and can range from 2.7 V to36 V for the INA138 and 2.7 V to 60 V for the INA168. Quiescent current is only 25 µA, whichpermits connecting the power supply to either side of the current measurement shunt with minimalerror. The device converts a differential input voltage to a current output. This current isconverted back to a voltage with an external load resistor that sets any gain from 1 to over 100.Although designed for current shunt measurement, the circuit invites creative applications inmeasurement and level shifting.
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- 1个放大器
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- 2µA
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- SOT-23
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- 5引脚
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- -40°C
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- 125°C
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- 800kHz
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- 2.7V
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- 36V
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- 2mV
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- 120dB
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- INA138 Series
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