The TL026CD is a monolithic two-stage High-frequency Amplifier with differential inputs and outputs. Internal feedback provides wide bandwidth, low phase distortion and excellent gain stability. Variable gain based on signal summation provides large AGC control over a wide bandwidth with low harmonic distortion. Emitter-follower outputs enable the device to drive capacitive loads. All stages are current-source biased to obtain high common-mode and supply-voltage rejection ratios. The gain may be electronically attenuated by applying a control voltage to the AGC pin. No external compensation components are required. This device is particularly useful in TV and radio IF and RF AGC circuits, as well as magnetic-tape and disk-file systems where AGC is needed. Other applications include video and pulse amplifiers where a large AGC range, wide bandwidth, low phase shift and excellent gain stability are required.
- Low output common-mode sensitivity to AGC voltages
- Input and output impedances independent of AGC voltage
- ±5V Differential and common-mode input voltage
- ±10mA Output current
- Green product and no Sb/Br
信号处理, 成像, 视频和目视
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- 1放大器
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- 1个放大器
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- 50MHz
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- 0°C
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- 70°C
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- ± 3V 至 ± 8V
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- 8引脚
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- MSL 2 - 1年