The AD8336ACPZ-R7 is a low noise single-ended linear-in-dB general-purpose Variable Gain Amplifier, usable over a large range of supply voltages. It features an uncommitted preamplifier (preamp) with usable gain range of 6 to 26dB established by external resistors in the classical manner. The VGA gain range is 0 to 60dB and its absolute gain limits are -26 to +34dB. When the preamplifier gain is adjusted for 12dB, the combined 3dB bandwidth of the preamp and VGA is 100MHz and the amplifier is fully usable to 80MHz. With ±5V supplies, the maximum output swing is 7Vp-p. Thanks to its X-Amp® architecture, excellent bandwidth uniformity is maintained across the entire gain range of the VGA. Intended for a broad spectrum of applications, the differential gain control interface provides precise linear-in-dB gain scaling of 50dB/V over the temperature span of -55 to +125°C.
- Low noise
- 550V/µs, 2Vp-p Slew rate
- 50dB/V Gain scaling
工业, 自动化与过程控制, 信号处理, 成像, 视频和目视, 医用
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- 1放大器
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- 1个放大器
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- 115MHz
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- -40°C
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- 85°C
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- ± 3V 至 ± 12V
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- 16引脚
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