The AD597AHZ is a monolithic temperature Setpoint Controller which has been optimized for use at elevated temperatures such as those found in oven control applications. The device cold junction compensates and amplifies a type J or K thermocouple input to derive an internal signal proportional to temperature. The internal signal is then compared with an externally applied setpoint voltage to yield a low impedance switched output voltage. Dead-Band or switching hysteresis can be programmed using a single external resistor. Alternately, the AD597 can be configured to provide a voltage output (10mV/°C) directly from a type J or K thermocouple signal. It can also be used as a stand-alone voltage output temperature sensor. The AD597 can be powered with a single supply from +5 to +30V or dual supplies up to a total span of 36V. Typical quiescent supply current is 160µA which minimizes self-heating errors.
- Built-in ice point compensation
- On/off temperature setpoint operation
- Programmable switching hysteresis
- High impedance differential input
- 10mV/°C Temperature proportional operation
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- 15kHz
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- 5V
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- 30V
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- 10引脚
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- -55°C
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- 125°C
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- AD597 Series
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- MSL 1 -无限制