The BA5417 is a Dual OTL Monolithic Power IC with two built-in, high output speaker amplifier circuits. High output of 5W x 2 can be produced when VCC=12V and RL=3R and 2.8W x 2 when VCC=9V and RL=3R. This device not only exceeds basic characteristics, but also has a built-in soft clip circuit, thermal shutdown and standby circuits.
- Small pop noise when standby switches ON/OFF
- Built-in circuit to prevent ripple addition when motor starts
- Built-in thermal shutdown circuit
- Built-in standby switch circuit
- Built-in soft clip circuit
音频, 消费电子产品
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- 5W
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- AB
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- 2通道
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- 6V 至 15V
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- 15引脚
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- 3ohm
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- -20°C
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- 75°C
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- Class AB Speaker Amplifier
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