The LF347BN is a wide-bandwidth Quad JFET-input Operational Amplifier for use with oscilloscopes. It requires low supply current yet maintains a large gain-bandwidth product and a fast slew rate. In addition, their matched high-voltage JFET input provides very low input bias and offset current. The LF347B can be used in applications such as high-speed integrators, digital-to-analog converters, sample-and-hold circuits and many other circuits.
- Low total harmonic distortion
- 50pA Typical low input bias current
- 0.01pA/√Hz Typical low input noise current
- 8mA Typical low supply current
- 10µV/°C Typical offset drift
- 100dB Typical CMRR
电源管理, 电机驱动与控制, 替代能源, 信号处理
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- 4个放大器
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- 4MHz
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- 13V/µs
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- 8V 至 36V
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- 14引脚
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- 0°C
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- 70°C
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- MSL 1 -无限制