The LMC6482AIMX/NOPB is a dual CMOS Operational Amplifier with rail-to-rail input and output. The LMC6482 device provides a common-mode range that extends to both supply rails. This rail-to-rail performance combined with excellent accuracy, due to a high CMRR, makes it unique among rail-to-rail input amplifiers. The device is ideal for systems, such as data acquisition, that require a large input signal range. The LMC6482 is also an excellent upgrade for circuits using limited common-mode range amplifier such as the TLC272 and TLC277. Maximum dynamic signal range is assured in low voltage and single supply systems by the rail-to-rail output swing of the LMC6482. The rail-to-rail output swing is ensured for loads down to 600R of the device. Ensured low-voltage characteristics and low-power dissipation make the LMC6482 especially well-suited for battery-operated systems.
- Power-good output
- Rail-to-rail input common-mode voltage range (ensured over temperature)
- Rail-to-rail output swing (within 20mV of supply rail, 100kR load)
- 82dB Excellent CMRR and PSRR
- 20fA Ultralow input current
- 130dB High voltage gain (RL=500kR)
测试与测量, 信号处理, 医用, 传感与仪器
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- 2个放大器
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- 1.5MHz
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- 1.3V/µs
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- 3V 至 15.5V
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- 8引脚
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- -40°C
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- 85°C
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- MSL 1 -无限制