The LMV774MTX/NOPB is a quad low noise precision Operational Amplifier intended for use in a wide range of applications. The LMV774 is guaranteed to operate over the voltage range of 2.7 to 5.0V and has rail-to-rail output. The LMV774 family is designed for precision, low voltage and miniature systems. This amplifier provides rail-to-rail output swing into heavy loads.
- 100dB Open loop gain with RL=2kR
- 550µA/amplifier Supply current
- 0.35µV/°C Typical offset drift
- 90dB Typical CMRR
- Green product and no Sb/Br
信号处理, 传感与仪器, 测试与测量, 便携式器材, 车用
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- 4个放大器
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- 3.5MHz
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- 1.4V/µs
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- 2.7V 至 5.5V
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- 14引脚
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- -40°C
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- 125°C
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- MSL 1 -无限制