The OPA301AIDBVT is a low-noise high-speed voltage-feedback CMOS Operational Amplifier designed for 16-bit resolution systems. The OPA301 series is unity-gain stable and feature excellent settling and harmonic distortion specifications. Low power applications benefit from low quiescent current. It features a digital shutdown (enable) function to provide additional power savings during idle periods. Optimized for single-supply operation, the OPA301 series offer superior output swing and excellent common-mode range. The OPA301 series op amp has 150MHz of unity-gain bandwidth, low 3nV/√Hz voltage noise and 0.1% settling within 30ns.
- Unity-gain stable
- Shutdown to 5µA
- 16-bit settling in 150ns
- 3nV/√Hz Low noise
- 0.003% Low distortion
- 9.5mA (typical) on 5.5V Low power
- Green product and no Sb/Br
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- 1个放大器
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- 150MHz
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- 80V/µs
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- 2.7V 至 5.5V
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- SOT-23
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- 5引脚
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- -40°C
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- 125°C
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- MSL 2 - 1年