4.5MHz, BiMOS operational amplifier with MOSFET input/bipolar output. It combines the advantages of high voltage PMOS transistors with high voltage bipolar transistors on a single monolithic chip. Typical applications include ground-referenced single supply amplifiers in automobile and portable instrumentation, sample and hold amplifiers, long duration timers/multivibrators, photocurrent instrumentation, peak detectors, active filters, comparators, interface in 5V TTL systems and other low supply voltage systems, all standard operational amplifier applications, function generators, tone controls, power supplies, portable instruments, intrusion alarm systems.
- Very high input impedance
- Very low input current
- Wide common mode input voltage range (VlCR)
- Output swing complements input common mode range
- Directly replaces industry Type 741 in most applications
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- 1个放大器
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- 4.5MHz
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- 9V/µs
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- 4V 至 36V
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- 8引脚
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- -55°C
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- 125°C
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- MSL 1 -无限制