The OPA2889ID is a dual low power wideband voltage-feedback Operational Amplifier with disable function. The OPA2889 represents a major step forward in unity-gain stable, voltage-feedback op amp. A new internal architecture provides slew rate and full-power bandwidth previously found only in wideband, current-feedback op amp. These capabilities give exceptional full-power bandwidth. Using a dual ±5V supply, the OPA2889 can deliver a ±4V output swing with over 40mA drive current and 60MHz bandwidth. This combination of features makes the OPA2889 an ideal RGB line driver or single-supply analog-to-digital converter (ADC) input driver or low power twisted pair line receiver. The low 460µA/channel supply current of the OPA2889 is precisely trimmed at +25°C. System power may be reduced further using the optional disable control pin. Leaving this disable pin open or holding it high, operates the OPA2889 normally.
- Unity-gain stable
- 60MHz (G=+2V/V) Wideband ±5V operation
- 18µA/channel Low disable current
- 70dB Typical CMRR
- 20µV/°C Typical offset drift
- Green product and no Sb/Br
信号处理, 成像, 视频和目视, 便携式器材
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- 2个放大器
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- 75MHz
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- 250V/µs
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- ± 1.3V 至 ± 6V
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- 8引脚
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- -40°C
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- 85°C
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- MSL 2 - 1年