The OPA820ID is an unity-gain stable voltage-feedback Operational Amplifier with a very low input noise voltage and high output current using a low 5.6mA supply current. At unity-gain, the OPA820 gives >800MHz bandwidth with <1dB peaking. The OPA820 complements this high-speed operation with excellent DC precision in a low-power device. A worst-case input offset voltage of ±750µV and an offset current of ±400nA give excellent absolute DC precision for pulse amplifier applications. Minimal input and output voltage swing headroom allow the OPA820 to operate on a single +5V supply with >2VPP output swing. While not a rail-to-rail (RR) output, this swing will support most emerging analog-to-digital converter (ADC) input ranges with lower power and noise than typical RR output op amps. Exceptionally low dG/dP (0.01%/0.03°) supports low-cost composite video line driver applications.
- ±110mA High output current
- 2.5nV/√Hz Low input noise
- 5.6mA Low supply current
- ±750µV Maximum 25°C input offset voltage
- ±400nA Maximum 25°C input offset current
- 85dB Typical CMRR
- 4µV/°C Typical offset drift
- Green product and no Sb/Br
信号处理, 测试与测量, 成像, 视频和目视
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- 1个放大器
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- 280MHz
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- 240V/µs
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- ± 2.5V 至 ± 6V
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- 8引脚
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- -45°C
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- 85°C
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- MSL 2 - 1年