The TLC27M9ID is a quad precision low-power Operational Amplifier combines a wide range of input offset voltage grades with low offset voltage drift, high input impedance, low noise and speeds comparable to that of general-purpose bipolar devices. This device uses Texas Instruments silicon-gate LinCMOS technology, which provides offset voltage stability far exceeding the stability available with conventional metal-gate processes. The extremely high input impedance, low bias currents, make this devices ideal for applications that have previously been reserved for general-purpose bipolar products, but with only a fraction of the power consumption. These advantages, in combination with good common-mode rejection and supply voltage rejection, make this device a good choice for new state-of-the-art designs as well as for upgrading existing designs. It is suitable for general applications such as transducer interfacing, analog calculations and amplifier blocks.
- Single-supply operation
- Common-mode input voltage range extends below the negative rail
- Output voltage range includes negative rail
- ESD-protection circuitry
- Designed-in latch-up immunity
- Input offset voltage drift - Typically 0.1µV/month, including the first 30 days
- 2.1µW at 25°C, VDD=5V Typical ultra-low power
- 10¹²R Typical high input impedance
- Green product and no Sb/Br
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- 4个放大器
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- 770kHz
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- 0.48V/µs
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- 4V 至 16V
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- 14引脚
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- -40°C
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- 85°C
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- MSL 1 -无限制