The TLE2062ID is a dual JFET-input high-output-drive low-power Operational Amplifier doubles the bandwidth of the earlier generation TL06x and TL03x BiFET families without significantly increasing power consumption. Texas Instruments Excalibur process also delivers a lower noise floor than the TL06x and TL03x. On-chip zener trimming of offset voltage yields precision grades for DC-coupled applications. The TL206x device is pin-compatible with other TI BiFETs, it can be used to double the bandwidth of TL06x circuits. BiFET operational amplifier offers the inherently-higher input impedance of the JFET-input transistors, without sacrificing the output drive associated with bipolar amplifiers. This makes them better suited for interfacing with high-impedance sensors or very low-level AC signals. It also features inherently better AC response than bipolar or CMOS devices having comparable power consumption.
- On-chip offset voltage trimming for improved DC performance
- Lower noise floor than earlier generations of low-power BiFETs
- 290µA/channel Typical low supply current
- 6µV/°C Typical offset drift
- 90dB Typical CMRR
- Green product and no Sb/Br
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- 2个放大器
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- 1.8MHz
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- 3.4V/µs
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- ± 3.5V 至 ± 18V
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- 8引脚
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- -40°C
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- 85°C
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- MSL 1 -无限制