The AD704JNZ is a picoampere input current quad bipolar Operational Amplifier that has the low input bias current of a BiFET amplifier and offers a significantly lower IB drift over temperature. It uses superbeta bipolar input transistors to achieve picoampere input bias current levels (similar to FET input amplifiers at room temperature), while its IB typically increases only by 5x at 125°C (unlike a BiFET amp, for which IB doubles every 10°C, resulting in a 1000x increase at 125°C). In addition, the AD704 achieves 150µV offset voltage and the low noise characteristics of a precision bipolar input op amp. Because it has only 1/20 the input bias current of an OP07, the AD704 does not require the commonly used balancing resistor. Furthermore, the current noise is 1/5 that of the OP07, which makes the AD704 usable with much higher source impedances. The AD704 is better suited for today’s higher density circuit boards and battery-powered applications.
- 150µV Maximum offset voltage
- 1.5µV/°C Maximum offset voltage drift
- 270pA Maximum input bias current
- 0.5µVp-p Low noise
- 0.1 to 10Hz Typical noise
- 600µA Maximum supply current per amplifier
工业, 自动化与过程控制, 测试与测量, 传感与仪器, 电源管理
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- 4个放大器
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- 800kHz
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- 0.15V/µs
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- ± 2V 至 ± 18V
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- 14引脚
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- 0°C
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- 70°C
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- AD704 Series
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- MSL 5 - 48小时