The TPIC2810D is a 8-bit monolithic medium-voltage low-current Shift Register design to drive low-side switched resistive loads such as LEDs. The device is not recommended for switching inductive loads. This device contains an 8-bit, serial-in, parallel-out shift register that feeds an 8-bit D-type storage register. Data transfers through the shift register via an I²C bus interface. Data is transferred into the data shift register only after the group ID and device address have been verified. The sub address directs the I²C bus interface to read or write data to the device or transfer data to the output. When output enable (G) is held high, all drain outputs are off. When G is held low, data from the output storage register is transparent to the output buffers. When data in the output buffers is low, the DMOS transistor outputs are off. When data is high, the DMOS transistor outputs have sink-current capability.
- Eight power DMOS transistor outputs
- 5R Typical low rDS(on)
- 210mA Current limit capability
- 3000V Drain output ESD protection
- Green product and no Sb/Br
工业, 信号处理
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- 8输出
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- 210mA
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- 40V
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- 16引脚
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- 3V
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- 5.5V
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- 2MHz
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- -40°C
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- 125°C
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- MSL 1 -无限制