The MAX6467US29D3+T from Maxim Integrated Products is a microprocessor (µP) supervisory reset circuit with edge triggered, one shot manual reset in 4 pin SOT143 package. The (µP) supervisory circuits monitor single power supply voltages from +1.8V to +5V and assert a reset if the supply voltage drops below its preset threshold. A variety of factory-trimmed threshold options accommodate different supply voltages and tolerances eliminating external components. The factory set thresholds range from +1.575V to +4.625V to monitor +5V, +3.3V, 3V, 2.5V and 1.8V supplies with various tolerances. Reset timeout periods of 150ms (min) and 1200ms (min) are available to accommodate different µP platforms. It is ideally used at cell phones/PDAs, embedded control systems, industrial equipment, automotive products, portable/battery-powered equipment, medical devices, DSL modems, MP3 players, GPS systems and digital cameras.
- Supply voltage range from 1V to 5.5V at TA = 0°C to +125°C
- Operating temperature range from -40°C to 125°C
- Edge-triggered manual reset input with one-shot pulsed reset output
- 2.925V reset threshold at (-40°C to +85°C)
- Immune to short voltage transients
- Low supply current (3µA at VCC = +1.8V)
- RESET valid to VCC = +1V
- Active low open-drain output
- No external components required
- Pin compatible with MAX811, MAX6315, MAX6384 and MAX6386
系统监控, 车用, 便携式器材, 医用
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- 2.925V
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- 1监控器/监视器
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- 1V
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- 5.5V
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- 手动, 低电平有效, 漏极开路
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- SOT-143
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- 4引脚
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- 225ms
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- -40°C
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- 125°C
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- -
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- MSL 1 -无限制