The IXA37IF1200HJ is a XPT IGBT features high-current handling capabilities, high-speed switching abilities, low total energy losses and low current fall times. They have a positive collector-to-emitter voltage temperature coefficient, making it possible for designers to use multiple devices in parallel to meet high current requirements. Their low gate charges also help reduce gate drive requirements and switching losses. In addition to being avalanche rated, this device has square reverse bias safe operating areas (RBSOA) up to the breakdown voltage of 1200V, a necessary ruggedness in Snubberless hard-switching applications. The new 1200V XPT™ device with co-packed anti-parallel Sonic-FRD™ or HiPerFRED™ diode is optimized to reduce turn-OFF losses and suppress ringing oscillations, thereby producing smooth switching waveforms and significantly lowering electromagnetic interference (EMI) in the process.
- Easy paralleling due to the positive temperature coefficient of the ON-state voltage
- Thin wafer technology combined with the XPT design results in a competitive low VCE (saturation)
- Very low gate charge
- Low EMI
- Square RBSOA at 3x IC
- Short-circuit rated for 10µs
- SONIC™ diode - Low operating forward voltage, fast and soft reverse recovery
电机驱动与控制, 替代能源, 医用, 电源管理, HVAC, 维护与修理, 消费电子产品
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- 58A
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- 2.1V
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- 195W
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- 1.2kV
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- TO-247AD
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- 3引脚
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- 150°C
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